Cover 5

Power Girl

Power Girl: Power Trip

Further reinforces my preference for slice of life and interrelationship tidbits when it comes to superheroes, over a prevalence of action scenes. Kara visiting Terra's hometown and  Wonder Woman interpreting for Power Girl's cat (I believe the name settled on was Stinky? 😁) were the highlights.
 Felt a bit disjointed, plot wise, but if you take a step back it's pretty standard ‘oh no how do I find my place and balance life and superheroics?!' Gotta say, in comparison to the team up with Harley Quinn I recently read, this collection felt a little more ‘boob forward' despite having the same costume, as well as featuring more blatantly sexualizing poses and scenarios for all female characters. 🫤  I do appreciate that commentary on women who happen to match modern beauty standards and those with larger breasts getting high levels of unwanted attention right along the spectrum to clear harassment, was a theme, because it's a reality many face. That being said, even if Vartox didn't have anything physical in mind,  his actions present a missed opportunity for a much clearer discussion about consent - not helped by the ‘Kara needs more wine before she'll make the decision to help him' part, either. 😬 Very much feeling the 2009 publishing date. 

October 14, 2023Report this review