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Prague, a Secret from the Past

Prague, a Secret from the Past

222 pages


Average rating5


History and Mystery!

Prague has so much history that it could be hard to include the enough of it. This book includes enough history to make the mystery compelling. There certainly are parts of its history that aren't included, but I think including some other parts of Prague's history would have been forced. I think the history we are given makes Prague intriguing, so you want to go back and learn more history.
I knew who the bad guys were, but there were still plenty of surprises at the end. I love the parts when Etta is figuring it all out and when Dora is enamored over the setting. We see plenty of that. Etta is mellowing out a little bit and Dora takes control a couple times also. So we are seeing some good growth in these characters. Leon adds to the quirky story as well.
The history is the best part of this book.

October 31, 2021Report this review