Pretty Deadly #1

Pretty Deadly: Vol 1 is my first adventure into the “Weird Western” genre. I'll be honest, I'd never heard of this before I stumbled upon this book. It's apparently the combination of Western elements with another genre. In this case, that genre would probably be described as Fantasy. Something new for this bookworm, and I was definitely looking forward to seeing how it panned out.

The story is told in a fable format, through two narrators who are not quite what you'd expect. A lone butterfly, and his dead bunny friend, lead us through the tale of “Deathface Ginny”, the daughter of death. Apparently she's the bringer of redemption. If you've been wronged, sing her song, and justice will come swiftly. Beautiful, isn't it? Poetic, in a way. Just like the words that tell the story.

If that had been all this novel was about, if Ginny had been the focus, I would have happily lost myself inside the pages. The problem was, that this volume is overstuffed with much more than just Ginny's story. The story arcs are all over the place, and I found myself more than once pausing on a page with the only thought in my head being “What on EARTH is going on right now?”. So many people are introduced so quickly, that there wasn't much for me to cling to. I was just lost.

In truth, the rating for this graphic novel mainly comes from the illustrations. Let me tell you, they are just too gorgeous for words. The illustrators definitely brought their A-game to this story. With sweeping plains, crimson red blood, and a beautifully rendered Underworld, the panels beg you to keep reading on. No matter how confused I was, I still wanted to see what happened next. To turn the page to find out what breathtaking panel would be presented to me next. Massive amounts of love to you, illustrators. You bring this story to life.

Sadly, the illustrations can't carry the whole book. So I can only grant Pretty Deadly: Vol 1 two stars. I don't see myself continuing on with this series. I am, however, glad I dove into the “Weird Western” genre. I'll have to seek my next fix elsewhere.

June 1, 2014Report this review