Prick Tease


Average rating4


Prick Tease was amazing! The title fit the story perfectly! I would LOVE to see what happens with the brothers!

The book started off with a taste of betrayal and drama, only leading to the ultimate romance. When Claire returned home, the sexual chemistry and history she had with Razer was intense! She was a complete tease and it was so great to watch Razer unsuccessfully resist it. There was plenty of amazing sex between the two from that point further!

I totally wish I had brothers like Claire's! The over-protectiveness would drive me insane, but it would be impossible to stay permanently mad at them. Their reaction to the hidden romance was, of course, priceless.

I about died laughing when Razer found out Mace had read his letters to Claire. Humiliation at its finest.

I was hoping that the media would catch wind of the trouble in paradise. I thought it may have been them taking the pictures, not just the cheating fiancé. The threats made by the brothers couldn't have been better, though!

June 5, 2016Report this review