



Average rating4


I didn't realize I needed a Russian mafia romance at the moment. But need it I did. If you want a slow burn romance, this ain't it. I swear this book was on GO the second Maxim and Sophia locked eyes.

Who are Maxim and Sophia you ask? I SHALL TELL YOU. Ladies first...Sophia is a doctor and the head of her own clinic. Much too busy for blind dates but her meddling ass sister who can't mind her own fooking love life keeps setting her up for some anyways. She is a Hispanic, plus size, intelligent beauty who shouldn't settle for anything less than what she wants. Even if her own brain sometimes spews negative bs at her sometimes. Maxim is the head of the Russian mafia. That's all that is required of him. I'M KIDDING (maybe). For a man who didn't want to show love or affection because it was a weakness and he already had enemies (Of course he does. He's the head of the mafia. That comes with the territory), he sure af claimed Sophia crazy fast and had no problem showing her how much he loved that body ody ody. (Yes I'm a fool. That also comes with the territory). Side note...where does one sign up for Russian terms of endearment because that is hot and I'd like it twice please and thank you.

The book does end on a cliffhanger. A deal breaker for some but not for me (I mean sometimes it is..but not this time). For the most part I read this book in one sitting so I'm up for the next one.

July 5, 2022Report this review