Cover 5

Processing XML with Java¿

Processing XML with Java¿

A Guide to SAX, DOM, JDOM, JAXP, and TrAX



Average rating3


It's a good resource for XML, but I would say that it's only for beginners needing a primer or those looking for a refresher. XML is a huge area so this book focuses mainly on parsing and transformation.

As the title suggests, the book is divided into 5 major sections:
- XML introduction

Every chapter (a section has several chapters devoted to this) provides a substantial amount of code to illustrate things, so that's a plus for those looking to learn.

For people familiar with XML processing, you may want to get a preview first to see if it helps. While it does introduce the above topics, the book is trying to condense quite a lot of materials so each of those sections aren't as detailed as I would've liked. As I said, it's a good book for learners but not so if you're already familiar.

February 1, 2007Report this review