Average rating5
I often think to myself, it's 2018 why are people still banning and challenging books?
It's never made sense to me, actually.
This book does not shed a light on that part of the issue at all. In fact, I think June's parents are barely a step above Matilda's. They are cruel- all in the name of raising their child in the “right” way. It's not just books, btw. They eat giant bowls of ice cream in front of her too.
Overall it's a great story.
I wanted to get back to it right away, I cared about June's plight.
It has some issues. The characters are one dimensional stereotypes, the “love interest” is ridiculously perfect, and no one comes to the defense of these kids until it's too late. Fear of repercussion for not following the status quo IS covered here. Vanes did that well.
I also want to point out a very important scene:
Graham tries to manipulate June into following the rules, offering a relationship with himself as a carrot. And June barely blinks as she openly chooses books over Graham. I mean, she can see she's being gaslighted. She ends it immediately. Well done for a 13 year old!
I want other readers to read that scene and handle a-holes who do that in the exact same manner.
Honestly, this is worth reading just for that one bit alone.
I also loved seeing the titles of some many other books get mentioned (I wrote them down! I'm mad that I have read as few of them as I have!) Shout out to Bob! I loved that book!
I'm also highly tempted to put a Free Little Library out front of my house now.