Puppy Love
2019 • 384 pages


Average rating4


I was fully prepared to give this 4-stars until I hit about 75%. The introduction of the hero's mother ruined the book. The hero should not have been pressured into forgiving her. Additionally, the story only seemed to refer to the trauma the hero's father had faced without really working through the hero's own trauma. When his mum finally came back into their lives, she didn't even come and ask the hero for forgiveness or try to rebuild a relationship with him; instead, she was ready to start cohabitating with his father without even once having a conversation with the hero. The hero's father also didn't think it was necessary to talk through their trauma or even request that the hero's mother seek his forgiveness. He was just going to up and leave him in that dreadful house?!?! The ending was trash but for the most part, it was still a solid romance.

January 8, 2021Report this review