
1.5/5I wanted to read this one because the story was similar to [b:The Circle 18302455 The Circle Dave Eggers https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1376419833l/18302455.SX50.jpg 25791820] and I really enjoyed that one.We have a dystopian country QualityLand where everything is AMAZING and PERFECT. Where the ALGORITHM is the new ‘Big Brother'. TheShop is the new Amazon that just KNOWS what you need. It's a scary vision of what can come if we just let the algorithm do all the work.We follow Peter whose surname is Jobless because his father was jobless when he was born. It's just a welcome thing. The more you read the more sick things like this you can find. There are so many things that CAN happen in the world if we let big companies take care of everything. We won't need to go to the shop, we won't need to go for a date, because the algorithm will find the perfect match.“To us, every complex algorithm is a black box. That means we see the input and output, but we have no idea what's happening inside the black box and why.”But the algorithm is not infallible.

August 4, 2020Report this review