Quarter Life Poetry: Poems for the Young, Broke and Hangry

Quarter Life Poetry: Poems for the Young, Broke and Hangry



Average rating3


This book is short poetry, four lines in total, catered specifically to Americans on the precipice between youth and adulthood. That doesn't meant it can't appeal to readers outside of America, some of the ideas explored are universal, but some of the references won't be truly understood by those who aren't from the US. As a reader from the UK, this can be a little off-putting to me.

The book is split into categories such as money, love, food, and unemployment, proof that it is trying to cater to as many different topics and ideas for this certain group of people as possible. Whilst catering to these people, this book is definitely a kind of memento of what kind of world these people are currently living in. Quarter Life Poetry is quintessentially a physical capture of the modern age, where everything is bitesize and whole stories and ideas can be told in 140 characters.

I like the little illustrations that go with each poem, and they definitely add a cute whimsicality to each offering in this poem.

Whilst this book can definitely be enjoyed by twenty-somethings at a certain period in their life, I feel like it is also a book that someone may read once, and then put away for a few years and rediscover when they've all but forgotten about it. That's one of the problems with this book: whilst it is certainly relatable, it is also forgettable.

It is not deep, but it's not intended to be deep. If you're looking for quick fun and confirmation that everyone around you is in the same boat as you, then this is the book for you.

April 5, 2016Report this review