Races of Faerûn

Races of Faerûn

2003 • 191 pages


Average rating4


How much you like this book depends very heavily on how much you like reading lore, history, and flavour stuff.Races of Faerûn is like an extension of the [b:Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Forgotten Realms) 285246 Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Forgotten Realms) (Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition) Ed Greenwood http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1312047638s/285246.jpg 276743] (FRCS) in that it builds upon the history of the Realms, with a specific focus on the standard races (and their subraces). Additional races like the aasimar, tiefling, genasi, shade, and the wemic are also mechanically detailed here, but with relatively little lore compared to the standard races. I found a few bits a little annoying in that if lore or a stat block is already detailed in the FRCS, it is skipped here, telling you to refer to that source instead.Throw in a couple of race-specific feats, mundane and magic items, a few race-flavoured prestige classes, and a couple of spells, and the sourcebook is done. Not that these were particularly interesting.I'd recommend for lore buffs and FR history buffs, but mechanics-wise, it's a little light.

December 8, 2012Report this review