Radicalized: Four Tales of Our Present Moment

Radicalized: Four Tales of Our Present Moment

2019 • 305 pages


Average rating4.1


Like all collections of short stories Radicalized is a mixed bag.

I really liked the first story starts with someone getting the oh so relatable urge to unlock a functionality that has been taken away for fun and profit, it was cute in a way and the characters were endearing.
The second story revolves around a superhero from another planet who messes up his public image by getting aligned with a victim of police brutality, that story felt like it has been told before and while it wasn't unpleasant to read it was just too reminiscent of other extremely similar stories to be any kind of memorable.
The third story is about people getting radicalized into terrorism by inhumane insurance companies dictating through refusal of coverage that people should just die probably the most powerfully written story of the book but also the one that seemed the least likely.
The last story turns the survivalist fantasy on its head, it was too long for what it had to say in my opinion.
All in all it was good book, just not a very memorable one.

October 4, 2022Report this review