Cover 7



Average rating3.1


This was the 4th book in The Grand Stephen King Experiment for

I was intrigued to read this book because of the fact that it was both the first book to be published by Stephen King as Richard Bachman and it is the only book of Stephen King's that has ever been taken out of print(willfully by the author and his publisher). It deals with an issue that is a hot button in a post-Columbine America, the subject of school violence. However, while it could strive for sensationalism, and probably would in lesser hands, this book is actually presented in a very straight-forward and interesting manner. It is slightly unnerving to read a first-person account of a high school senior taking his classmates hostage, especially when you realize it was written by an 18 year old King, but it is still a book worth tracking down if you get the chance.

April 10, 2012Report this review