


Average rating4.5


Because of the Disney version of the Rapunzel story told in the film Tangled, we are all really big fans of Rapunzel. We have read a few stories from the library about Rapunzel as well as a few in treasuries and one specific version from [a:Paul O. Zelinsky 64039 Paul O. Zelinsky http://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1244535874p2/64039.jpg] which I hope to add to our shelves eventually (as well as his [b:Rumpelstiltskin 280240 Rumpelstiltskin Jacob Grimm http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348899686s/280240.jpg 271837] and a few others...) and this one was similiar, but also different. I enjoyed how this story had the fairy tale feeling (still a little scary for some, but not with the surprise pregnancy, which I'd rather not have for my youngest preschooler age). For this book specifically from [a:Sarah Gibb 526807 Sarah Gibb /assets/nophoto/nophoto-F-50x66-2a9d702c2a0f483c9f7dd119cc28a9a7.jpg], it's absolutely beautiful. I was not familiar with her art before, but now I definitely want to go back and buy the books by [a:Ursula Jones 324500 Ursula Jones /assets/nophoto/nophoto-U-50x66-251a730d696018971ef4a443cdeaae05.jpg] illustrated by Sarah Gibb including [b:The Princess Who Had No Kingdom 7097128 The Princess Who Had No Kingdom Ursula Jones http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1347339069s/7097128.jpg 7354424] and [b:Beauty and the Beast. by Ursula Jones 11735733 Beauty and the Beast. by Ursula Jones Ursula Jones http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1347838374s/11735733.jpg 16684845]. The artwork is gorgeous and challenging. It is different that one usually finds with a lot of play with shadow and coloring in reverse, but still lovely tone choices and shapes. This Sarah Gibb version of Rapunzel brings the story off the page and is a true treasure from Albert Whitman & Co. and I'm coming to find more and more that they have some amazing quality books both in actual material quality as well as that which is on the page. I love this one and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it for every princess' shelf. Thanks to Albert Whitman & Co for providing a copy for review. draft scheduled: http://creativemadnessmama.com/blog/2013/05/07/rapunzel/

April 21, 2013Report this review