Ready Player One
2011 • 384 pages


Average rating3.9


i read this in 2013, right after i turned 23 and was at the end of my 4 months of travel, in wellington nz getting ready to head back to chicago. and after having a three-year dry spell with reading, i soaked this up in a way that i can't even explain.

objectively, this book has a lot of flaws. if you haven't read it by now, i think being critical about it while enjoying it is a really important thing for you to consider going into it. but subjectively, this book, when i read it, felt like it was written specifically for me.

i really hoped cline would take the problematic parts of this and learn and improve on it with his future writing, but it seems he's gone the opposite way, which is hugely disappointing to say the least, but no more than i expect from a white straight cis male. that being said, this book still holds a really special place in my heart, and i'm so glad i read it when i did. it got me back into scifi/fantasy, and fiction in general, and reminded me why i love reading, and why i love to get completely lost in worlds.

December 9, 2013Report this review