Rebel Faerie
2017 • 384 pages


Average rating5


Wow is all I can say right now ... I literally finished the book a few minutes ago and I came here immediately so I won't forget anything I want to say.
First of all I LOVED Rebel Faerie! It left me feeling kinda breathless after every chapter although all I did was read but everything was so intense and amazing and addicting from the very first page! That's also why I managed to finished this almost 400 page book within a bit over 24hrs although I usually consider my reading pace being slow.
Okay, back to the actual review: This book made me cry and laugh and topped all my expectations by being all I've ever wanted to come true for the final Creepy Hollow book and more! <3 I seriously couldn't have wished for a better final installment of my favorite series because it was PERFECT! I also loved the fact that it has a Epilogue which gave me that little bit of extra happiness while reading it haha. All in all, I would give this book a million stars if I could but since 5 is the limit I'll go with 5 haha :).

February 12, 2018Report this review