Redheaded Stepchild
2009 • 325 pages


Average rating3.1


Loved it!

Is there a delicate way to say this is like a Kim Harrison novel, only much better? The Rachel Morgan books are good, but they were never a perfect match for me, not in the way this book pleased me. I'm really stoked about this series – at least the first book in the series.

Sabina Kane is half vampire/half mage, but has only lived in the world of the former, never giving thought to the other half of her heritage. The title refers not just to her red hair, a sign of vampire blood, but also to her second class citizen, never being completely embraced status in community that raised her. It refers to her desire to gain the approval of her grandmother, because it's not freely given to her.

The story concerns Sabina being sent to infiltrate the camp of a half-demon, half-vamp, and how doing this becomes the thing that in many ways frees her.

The author, Jaye Wells, has a knack for secondary characters. My favorite, and I'm going to assume the favorite of anyone with a sense of humor, is “Mr. Giggles” – a demon who becomes her familiar and is occasionally a – well, read it and see.

I found Sabina to be a likable and sympathetic character, even if occasionally she made dumb decisions, which characters in these types of books are contractually obligated to do anyhow.

I look forward to future books.