Average rating4.1
Wow! I don't even know where I should start.
I guess I should begin with saying that I loved this book. I loved it so much I read it in less than a day and I just bought “Golden Son” and pre-ordered “Morning Star.” I shall now attempt to demonstrate why.
We're all bored with dystopian science fiction, aren't we? Well, not anymore.
I don't want to give away too many spoilers, but I really want you to read this book. It does a better job of setting up a revolution than “Divergent” or “The Hunger Games.”
Pierce Brown does an incredible job of weaving a story that sucked me in and made my heart race. When Darrow experiences the worst tragedy of his life, the tragedy that makes him a revolutionary, I felt it. I felt the mounting dread as he realized what was about to happen. My heart pounded when I myself realized what was coming. And when it happened, I cried.
Darrow isn't perfect, but he loves his family, and he wants revenge. He makes mistakes, he gets things wrong. He rude, impulsive, afraid, and so incredibly angry. His rage burns in your own chest as he realizes that for 500 years, his people have been lied to and enslaved.
I enjoyed this book because I was rooting for someone who was finally realistic. Katniss Everdeen was cold and clinical. Tris was whiny.
Darrow does everything because he wants revenge, and hopefully the rebirth of a broken system. His love for his wife and the life they should have had drives him. But what's amazing is watching him evolve. Like I said, he makes mistakes, but don't we all?
He feels shame and remorse when people die and constantly evaluates if his mission is worth the cost. There are difficult sacrifices made along the way, and the people who die for him, he does not forget.
I really hope you pick this up. People say this book started out slow, but I didn't feel that way. Perhaps because I read it over the course of a single day, it didn't feel like it was dragging. I didn't feel like there were too many houses, colors, or characters. Everything had a purpose. Everyone had a job to do. And I can't wait for more!
P.S. I loved that it was on Mars! Space stuff rocks!