Cover 5

Requiem & Reverie



Average rating5


3.5 Stars

I enjoyed this duet quite a lot. This book picks up right after book one, and we get more twists and turns and revelations (one which completely ruined Voss for me...sigh). I enjoyed the cat-and-mouse game with the Sandman and the author did a good job of keeping us on our toes. All the characters remained intriguing, and the ending wrapped things up in a satisfactory and somewhat opening ended way.

Unfortunately, even though I enjoyed the book, I couldn't rate it as high as I did book one for two reasons. One, I was hoping for more of a twist with the Sandman. I think the revelation of who he was, was extremely obvious. In fact, I laid my theory out to a friend after book one and I had it 98% right. So I was a bit disappointed with that. My second issue, and this is a spoiler so only click on it if you don't mind being spoiled!!! I wish the author wouldn't have had Voss rape Nola's sister in the past. Yes, he was forced to choose between raping her or her dying. Yes, he stopped halfway through, It ruined Voss as a character for me. And it ruined the romance between Nola and him. Personally, "I" don't think the author needed to go so far as to have him stick his dick in her. He could have stopped before that point. In fact, he never even tells Nola what he did. So it seemed a bit gratuitous to me. Alas, that was just a “ME” issue and I doubt it will bother many people.

Even with those two issues this was still a very good duet and I can't wait to see what this author has up her sleeve next.