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This was definitely a different vibe. I think I loved the first book more than I did this one only because the emotions were so raw and almost all of it took place in Andy's head. We were able to feel the angst, the love, the longing. This book is in West's head but Andy is very reserved. We know this from book one. Because of this fact, it is hard to really see what if anything there is to getting close to Andy.

This is a retelling of book one, from West's point of view, up until the 50% mark. From that point forward it's a totally different story. I totally felt the finality of West's flip flopping. When he made the decision to go down a distinct road, I felt it wholeheartedly. West is still a great guy and I'm glad that didn't change. It was a great read. It wasn't perfect. There were aspects that rubbed me the wrong way. Still a great read.

June 2, 2022Report this review