Average rating3.5
“What would you do if I said I was gay? Or bisexual, actually since, as you pointed out, I've dated women in the past?”
I'm seriously going to hug Jason now. The fact is, I adore most of these people. Jason and Ryder are lovely people, Emily and Connor are both the best friends a person could have and one of the best secondary couples ever, John, Mark and Landon are all so perceptive and accepting.
However, while I was all set to give this book five stars in the first half, the second half was way too sappy for me and knocked it down a star. Then came - once again - the last two-three chapters. Not only did I get an engagement, I then got their wedding *shudder* and finally they adopted a girl. Beyond that, I'm pretty sure that by the end of the book nearly everyone was paired off. Liam had a girlfriend, Mark had a girlfriend, Landon and Jessie were dating, Alexander had a girlfriend... (At least one of the four was engaged, too. Yay. [/sarcasm]) In fact, Nic was the only one that wasn't explicitly stated as being in a relationship. If there's one thing I hate (okay, there's a lot more, but I seriously hate this) it's when everyone in a damn story had to be coupled off. Urg.