

2005 • 389 pages


Average rating3.3


This was a 3-star feel at the start. I'd read the synopsis, and the plot idea was pretty obvious. But I really liked the way it interpreted a certain OCD behaviour. While I could guess the plot idea, I enjoyed the way the main characters bumbled their way through different explanations; there was even a very funny and obvious movie reference.

Then the pace ramped up and it made me read up a bit on quantum physics. It's not quite how the plot used it, but it's plausible enough. And as the main characters slowly gained more and more understanding of what's happening, it became more of a 4-star for me. It was fun to read through the internal monologues of the protagonist as he tries and tries to rationalise and understand his situation.

Then came the last few chapters and I just had to finish it. It was a 5-star by then. It was a rather reasonable and well thought out manner to resolve the main plot. Throw in a love story, natural selection and nature vs nurture, and several smaller happily resolved plotlines and I think we have a winner. This was a surprisingly engaging read for me.

December 14, 2016Report this review