



Average rating3.4


DNF - PG 186


Because everyone in this book is a flaming asshole.

I mean, there's other reasons, too. Like the fact that the pacing is all over the place and, for most of the book, is very drag-y. Which isn't great for me.

There's the fact that I am so interested in the reveries - but the ‘normal high school student' scenes leave me with supreme indifference. (Which, now that I think about it, these two issues are likely related.)

But, really, it is because every single character in this book is, to some degree, a terrible person. I might, maybe, give the sister - Sophie, I think - a pass. Because her reactions are pretty explainable, even if they are not the best. Everyone else, though? (No, I lie, Ursula's dad is freaking amazing. And he's in there for all of, maybe a couple pages.)

We have absent parents, manipulative adults, bad friends. Manipulative friends. Lying friends. Dismissive friends. (And who I'm guessing will grow into the love interest (if Kane taking such note of his physical appearance and the sound of his voice is anything to go by) also being manipulative.)

Oh, and Kane likely being the worst of the bunch with his judgey entitlement. Kane seems to perpetually walk around with his head shoved in his ass, not really examining anything, and thinking he's the best person around.

For ‘friends' I really cannot abide the lack of honesty and the absolute refusal to even try to understand where the other person is coming from.

So, yeah. Terrible, irredeemable people.