Rhymes 'Round the World
Rhymes 'Round the World
Average rating4
Very neat rhyme book with great illustrations. This is another one to our pile from the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. I love reading some rhymes I already know, mostly from England. Then I also like learning new ones from all around the world especiallt Germany, Spain, Mexico and some anonymous. However there were quite a few that I was not fond and perhaps it was lost in translation.
Overall I am happy with this book and delighted to learn a new anonymous rhyme that I can now call favorite.
“I have ten little fingers
And they belong to me.
I can make them do things.
Would you like to see?
I can shut them up tight
Or open them wide.
I can put them together
Or make them all hide.
I can make them jump high,
I can make them jump low,
I can fold them quitely
And hold them just so.”