Rick the Rock of Room 214

Rick the Rock of Room 214


Average rating4


You should know before you read this review that

(Yes, all caps and three exclamation points. Yes, I love rocks like you love your dog. Trust me. It can happen.)

So, I've been waiting and waiting for this book to be published, for weeks, maybe months. And I was very worried that it would disappoint me; I was expecting a lot out of my first experience reading a book with a rock as the main character.

It did not disappoint me.

Rick the rock lives on the Nature Finds shelf in Room 214. He is content there, living with his friends, acorn, moss, and bark. Then he learns about rocks from the teachers and their lives of action and adventure and, as always happens when we compare ourselves with others, his feelings about his life on the shelf dim, and he plans his escape. And he does escape. He finds himself in a field among a lot of other rocks, and he quickly has an Other-Side-of-the-Fence experience. Fortunately a child from Room 214 finds Rick and restore him to his former position on the shelf, and all is well with the world.

I hope this is just the first adventure of Rick the Rock. I'd love to see a sequel.

September 11, 2022Report this review