River of Dreams: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

River of Dreams: A Pride & Prejudice Variation


Average rating5


Review also posted on my blog


Fitzwilliam Darcy's father was a cold and distant man who instilled in his son a sense of duty and responsibility.

Darcy was raised to believe that he must always put the needs of his family and his estate first. This burden has weighed heavily on Darcy throughout his life, and it has made him aloof and guarded.

Unfortunately, only three members of his family were loving and supportive.

Georgiana, his little sister loves him but is cowed by her haughty father.

Richard Fitzwilliam, his cousin is as close as a brother but duty to the Crown calls him away.

Lady Anne Darcy was a sweet and loving mother who drowned in a freak accident. Her death left Darcy with a long lasting fear of water.

When Darcy visits Hertfordshire, he meets Elizabeth Bennet and insults her!
Fortunately, Darcy apologies and Elizabeth accepts.

Elizabeth is burdened by revelations of just how poor a father, Mr Bennet is and what it might cost the whole family.

During a flood, Elizabeth goes to the aid of two children in trouble. When that trouble becomes life threatening, Fitzwilliam Darcy must overcome his deepest fears or all three will be swept away.

The rescue is a rousing adventure, which keeps you on the edge of your seat. The children are delightful and Darcy's extended family are awful.

Happy endings are found by the deserving and fitting retribution awaits the wicked.

Another thoroughly enjoyable book from J Dawn King.

I received a free copy of this book from the author and am voluntarily leaving a review. All views expressed are my own.

March 31, 2023Report this review