Cover 7

River's Deep

2014 • 201 pages


Average rating5


This is the finale of the River Immortals series that I have been DYING to read!! I was very impatiently waiting for this. And it did not disappoint!

Kasia faces her demons quite literally and we are drawn into her fight. We feel her pain without drowning in it. We feel her hope and passion and frustration. The author was not afraid to take her character to the hard places, but she did not keep her there. As a reader I appreciate the depth of the story without an emphasis on pain. It kept me reading.

I also love the friendships in the story. We see Kasia's friends coming together in spite of her efforts to push them away. They rally around her to help find the way out.

The relationships work. The fight works. The characters develop in a natural trajectory. The plot moves consistently. It is a great ending to a great series.

Buy it. Read it. Amazing!

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August 30, 2014Report this review