

Average rating3


I am going to be honest here...I struggled with this book A LOT. I just couldn't stand the heroine (more about that in the heroine section). I also felt the romance was really underdeveloped and took a huge backseat to the “catching the a\(hole husband" plot. That said, if I set those issues aside, I did enjoy the book as more of a "fun-girl power-mystery" type of thing. It was well written. It was well paced. The plot in regard to the Iron Ladies, and what they do was set up well for an ongoing series. It was humorous. Last, it was all wrapped up in a sweet three years later epilogue.

RILEY...I don't really have much to say about Riley. I think his character development suffered because of the lack of romance in the book. He seemed like a decent guy (apart from the beginning). Loved his sister. Was sweet with Adeline. He was just a little one-dimensional, and his character got lost in the background of the main storyline. 

ADELINE...What can I say? I just didn't like Adeline. The way she treated Riley at the end, was grade A bitch. She was also too brass. Too over the top. Too in your face. Too alpha. Quite simply...just too much. I prefer that my heroes have the bigger balls. On top of all that, I am fairly sure she was older than Riley as well(?), which as you know if you follow my reviews is a trope I REALLY do not like. That said, she wasn't completely bad. She was a good there is that. (lol).


There was a lot of great secondary characters in this one. As much as I didn't warm up to Adeline, I am still very curious about the other Iron Ladies. I also liked Riley's sister, and CoCo cracked me up.

LOW. I didn't feel like this was a romance. They flirted here and there, and we get some sexual tension occasionally, as well as one super awkwardly placed sex scene 70% into the book. But If the author was going for a romance book (and I am not entirely sure she was) then she missed the mark, unfortunately. 

Zero. This wasn't angsty in the least. Neither were virgins, and it had been a while since either has had sex. There was also no OW or OM drama.

-- Did I enjoy it? Yes and No. The whole Charlie Angels kicka\) girl power vibe was great. Unfortunately, the romance angle was a complete miss for me. As was the heroine.

– Will I read the next book in the series? Yes, I am super intrigued by the other ladies and they came across a little less “in your face” than Adeline did. I least I HOPE that is the case.

– Would I recommend it? Yes, but do not go into it expecting a well-developed romance.

– Who would enjoy this book? Readers who love super strong and kicka$$ heroines. As well as those readers that enjoy their books low on angst and without a lot of drama.

September 6, 2018Report this review