I had the luck of reading the earlier appearences of our beloved raccoon hero on Hulk and then in his own miniseries. And, man, what a trip that was! Back when ‘furry' wasn't even a thing and talking animals belonged to the silly toons realm, Rocket was a wonderful addition -a unique blend of seriousness and crazy, a truly sympathetic hero with a charming cast. A crazy (literally!) worldbuilding, good villains...
When it was over, alas we would've to wait untile She-Hulk and Quasar to see Rocket again, and even longer for the most awesome comic: the all-new Guardians of the Galaxy!
This booksd collects the frst appearances of Rocket and Groot, and also rewrites Rocket's origin in the Annihilators comic series. I must say it, it truly saddened me that in the end Mantlo & Mignola's work was written off as a false memory, but we know Marvel can always pick up the leftovers and make good use of them. Right?