Cover 4




Average rating3


I like this cover. Good representation of the story. Good use of graphics. Great composition.

Oh man I do not even know where to start with this book. The first 85% of this one was good. It was pretty well written. The pace was fine. The heroine was a bit hard to warm up to. She was a judgy bitch for the first 40%, but she did get better after that. I liked Dominic even if his speech was a little on the flowery side at times. The mystery aspect was interesting as well.

BUT and it is a massive but, at 70% I started to get an inkling where this one was going, and I said a little prayer to the romance gods that I was wrong. Unfortunately, at 85% my fears were realized, and the wheels fell WAY off the damn bus. What followed was a gag worthy trope that I LOATHE with a passion and more OTT soap opera like drama to fill 25 seasons. Obviously, I can't expound of what that twist was without giving away a HUGE spoiler, but suffice it to say it was on the extreme end.

Which leaves me in a quandary. If I enjoyed most of the book but the last 15% destroyed all that enjoyment what is a fair rating? I am going to set it at 3-Stars for now and give myself more time to ponder on it.

July 27, 2017Report this review