Run Away

Run Away

2019 • 384 pages


Average rating3.6


this was a surprisingly engrossing read for me. it started a bit slow, and yet i was still super intrigued. and once it picked up, it REALLY picked up, so high-action and non-stop, and i really loved every second of it.

funnily enough, the overt “parental love” theme and aspect of this book didn't land with me. i didn't really feel it or care, because i have no soul and am cold as ice. but there was an angle within that, about family dynamics and bloodlines etc, that i found fully fascinating, and that's what got me. on top of that, seeing how everything tied together, what each piece meant and what it's impact was, was so expertly woven and balanced in this book, i loved that. there was a surprising amount of nuance. also fuck me that ending (some of which i saw coming, but it still didn't pull any punches.)

taking off a star because there were moments i had a hard time keeping track of all the characters, i let it slide bc i assumed it would all come together in the end. and it did, but there were a few points when i would have to pause and was like “wait who was that again” and that was a little annoying. it could have been my own headspace and engagement though.

December 29, 2019Report this review