Run, Hide, Fight back

Run, Hide, Fight back

2019 • 241 pages

I don't like fictional books about mass shootings; I read this because it was the 2021-2022 novel winner of the Golden Sower Award.That said - this is torture porn. I felt gross reading it. It's like what [b:The Hunger Games 2767052 The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1) Suzanne Collins 2792775] was trying to warn us about. It has nothing to say about shootings and how to prevent or recover from them, and only clumsily explains why this one is happening at all.Moreover, if your characters of color exist primarily for your white cast to be racist at them, I'd rather you didn't have those characters at all. Relatedly, it's “Islamist terrorist” not “Islamic.”

October 8, 2022Report this review