Running Deep

Running Deep

2020 • 214 pages


Average rating4


4 stars Running Deep is a second chance romance novel surrounding two professional athlete swimmers. The story is told through a dual timeline. I wasn't too sure about it at first, but it worked really well. Usually, when I read novels like this, I'm always more invested in one timeline, and I want to skim a few chapters, but in this case, I enjoyed both equally. It was great to see how they met each other and how close they became as teenagers and how - even after everything they went through - they sorta just picked up where they left off. The story flows well and though we see more of Hannah's point of view, we get enough information to really understand Angie's side of the story.Hannah and Angie are very different but both are highly likeable. I love how tight-knit Hannah's family is and how welcoming they were to Angie. That poor girl.I highly recommend this book and I can't wait to read Bette Hawkins' other books.TW for homophobic parents.***An ARC was given to me in exchange for an honest review. Thanks!

June 27, 2020Report this review