Ruthless Vows
2023 • 420 pages


Average rating4.1


“Ross has always held me captive with her work: Ruthless Vows is no different.”
Where do I start? I absorb Ross' words into my bloodstream at any and all opportunities. I adore her mastery of the pen and her absolute gift at translating words on a page, into a world that seemingly existed as truthfully as the one I sit here writing this in. The sequel is not an easy road to set upon. But it is a road I am mighty glad Rebecca Ross has gone down. The story felt expertly laid at the readers feet, each page answering lingering queries, building upon mythologies and adding absolute angst and urgency word by word. Ross cleverly details her sequel with arcs in storytelling, world building, character building and just awe-inspiring magic. Words can barely cover how magical this book was to read. Ross manages to effortlessly return the style of the first book and its formats (many letters again!) and return the mystery and intrigue of the connection between our beloved main characters and their typewriters. Since 2018 Rebecca Ross has held me captive between worlds of unexplainable decadence: Divine Rivals, and Ruthless Vows, is no different. Beautifully superb.

December 11, 2023Report this review