Average rating4.7
While this book is clearly intended to change the way you live as a married person, I think it speaks well to every relationship in your life. Thomas writes with emphasis of the importance of learning God's design for marriage and one's role in marriage, and the role of marriage in God's design. As the subtitle states, God puts relationships in your life not to make you happy, but to make you holy. This is essential as this truth isn't just true for your love life but every relationship in your life, from your friendships to ministry to your spouse, that God can use people around us to reveal things within our lives and allow us to look more like Christ.
It is an important read I think for young adults as the way you date and marry will affect so many parts of your life, and if you can harness the truth behind being pruned for Christ's glory throughout your life, in relationships and friendships, it can set you up to allow your marriage to be a God-glorifying force for His kingdom.