Salt & Stone

Salt & Stone

2015 • 320 pages


Average rating5


First off, let me start by saying... ohhhh mmmmyyyy gooooodddddd. This was the best so far! I fell in love with Fire & Flood last year, it was even one of my favorite books of 2014, and Salt & Stone did not disappoint me at all. I am already needing the 3rd book in my hands right now! (WAIT, IS THERE EVEN GOING TO BE A 3RD BOOK?!) Anywayyy....

Now, if you haven't read the first book, Fire & Flood, I suggest you go do that right now and run far away from this review because I need to get a lot of my feelings out. If you haven't started Salt & Stone yet, then I suggest you just read the first paragraph after this one and pick the book up yourself.

We start off Salt and Stone by getting into the second half of the race for the cure that the main character, Tella, is trying to get for her brother. We have the whole gang in the beginning as they are resting after the dessert section of the race. Everyone is getting ready for the 3rd part of the race. For the second book, there are of course so many events that happen. The last two legs of the race are for the ocean and the mountains. Tella and her group has to worry about face frostbite, sharks, avalanche, and twisted new rules in the race. There will be heartache, happiness, tests, new friendships and more that everyone will have face throughout the entire book.

There is so much more action in the second book! I was on a roller coaster the entire time and I loved every second of it. Victoria Scott is so good at keeping the reader entertained and on their toes. Each character got better in this book as well. I started to fall for some of the characters in the last book that may or may of not been as important. You also get to know some new characters that are loveable as well. Victoria Scott writes her characters beautifully and I enjoy reading/learning about each new character.

Let's talk about the Pandora's in this second book. I think my heart grew 3 times bigger when Tella fell in love with a new Pandora. I just loved how they acted and my heart ached for so many of them. They seemed like real people with real feelings. I just couldn't handle the cuteness and background for some of the main Pandora's. Who knew I could fall in love with an animal through a book. You fall in love with Madox more in this book and along with the other Contendor's Pandora's.

Alrightttt, so lets get into the depthness that was Salt & Stone. I fell in love with the main characters so much during this book which made it hard for me when it came to some certain events that took place. The plot thickened with every chapter and I couldn't take it anymore! When we started the new race, I really liked how Tella was starting to grow as a person and think for herself. She was following Guy far too much in the first book and as a main character, you want to root for her and make her think for herself.

When it comes to these life and death situations, you start to grow as a person and sometimes you do things you never thought you would do before this happened. Each character grew and became stronger. Even though we are rooting for Tella to get the cure, you start to feel bad for the other contendors and want them to get it as well.

Now, the entire second book is about the last two legs are of the race. We get to see the characters deal with life and death situations, problem solve, work as a team, and then finally work alone. The second book just got better as time went on.

I would really recommend this series because it would remind people of the Hunger Games but I have always seen it as more realistic. In my personal opinion, I like it more than Hunger Games because it has more depth and the characters just seem so real to me. The reasoning behind the race has a better background/reasoning and it is overall an amazing series. Victoria Scott is an amazing author and I have loved all of her books that I have read so far. Pick it up if you haven't already... but I mean you shouldn't of read this review anyway!

March 4, 2015Report this review