

2022 • 256 pages


Average rating3.5


Oh man, but there is A LOT going on in this novel. Just: A LOT. It???s kind of hard to know where to begin really.

Since I was just coming off my speedrun of Vols. 1-4 of Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, I figured my brain would appreciate something a little different, and what could be more different than a straight-up horror novel? I built myself a little list from my (massive) TBR, but since I couldn???t decide which one I wanted to go with, I fed my top five choices into a randomizer, and figured I???d go with whichever came out on top. And since this is the one that turned up at the top, I decided to give it a go.

And it???s turned out to be a pretty great read, though it???s more anger-inducing than scary, truth be told. What grabs me most is the world in crisis (climate, social, all the crises really), and how the rich seem to be doing everything they can to run away from something they caused in the first place. They plan to leave and pretend everything???s okay, partying like nothing???s wrong, while elsewhere people suffer and die because they have no money and no prospects, and the world continues to burn. Selfish people broke the world, and they???re now running away from it, and they???re not above draining every other resource left - including other people - just to secure their own safety in the face of the apocalypse. Basically most every nasty, anger-inducing thing in this novel can all be traced back to selfish greedy people (aka the One Percent) who didn???t give one flying fuck about humanity and the world, and are so short-sighted that they???re willing to destroy everything around them if it will help them gather all the wealth and power they possibly can and hang onto it as hard as possible. This, despite the fact that they could have USED that money and power to make a change for the better, to help as many people as they could, to SAVE THE WORLD. But they don???t care because they???re greedy selfish fucks who only care about themselves. And the sad thing is: THESE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE RUNNING THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. So if you read this novel and think ???man, this world is pretty fucking bleak???, well: that???s where the world we have right now is headed in five, maybe ten years, unless, we, idk, make guillotines more fashionable tout suite. 

 I know this seems like this book is very depressing, and yes, it is, not least because of how close these events are to reality, but I think that???s important. It???s important to see the logical consequences of where our current world situation is going, so we can actually DO something about it before it???s too late. This book doesn???t really put out an overt call to action, but portraying these things, even as part of the novel???s overall worldbuilding, is still pretty powerful. 

Another important thread in this novel is about what it means to live on the fringes of wealth and power, ever-wanting it for yourself, for whatever reason. You may want it to protect those you love, or you may want it to protect yourself, or you may want it just because you want it. But either way, the One Percent don???t care about you; they only think of you as a tool to use for their own games. They only care about themselves - as individuals, not even as a group. And they will do everything to protect themselves, even if it means burning the world around them - and you, along the way. As I said earlier, they???re greedy selfish fucks. They don???t care.

Anyway. Those are the central themes of the novel, the core around which the story is built, and for the most part, the story itself holds up, though there are a couple of rough spots. Take the characters for example: they???re all pretty interesting for the most part, though some are more compelling than others. Nina isn???t half bad as protagonist and narrator: she???s flawed, sure, but she???s flawed in interesting ways that make her a pretty good narrator for everything that happens in the story. The rest of the cast is pretty interesting to read about, though I do wish that some of them had been given a little more screentime, as it were. 

I also had a slight issue with the way the movement between past and present was handled. I understand that there was likely a need to spread out flashbacks to Nina???s past so that they???d be interpolated with the appropriate moments in the present, but there were times when they???d cut into moments when the present was very tense and I was very interested in the action going on during that moment. This became less of an issue as the novel progressed though, so that was only really a problem for the novel???s first fourth. 

As a note, I think this novel occupies a weird space in terms of genre. I picked it up because it was billed as a horror novel, and it KIND OF is, but it doesn???t read like too much of a horror novel to me as much as it does a thriller or a mystery. It does have some creepy moments, though not the kind that would make me want to read it broad daylight. As I said, most of the horror of this novel comes from the fact that it???s about the One Percent and what their greed and selfishness are doing to the world; that???s horror of a kind, made scarier by the fact that it???s real. 

So overall, this is a pretty fun read, if you???re willing to acknowledge the fact that it???s going to make you pretty damn pissed about the state of the world right now. It???ll also make you want to look at your relationship with wealth and power, and the whys and wherefores of wanting them, which can be uncomfortable if you???re the ambitious type and/or are working towards ???bettering your situation in life???, as it were. It???s got a few rough spots, but I think the plot and the central mystery will help in overlooking those spots, not least because they happen early in the novel and do kind of disappear as the book goes on.


February 17, 2023Report this review