Saving Normal

Saving Normal


Average rating3.5


Good content, not well written. I enjoy reading academic/textbooks/nonfiction but this was hard to get through.

Very repetitive and lots of unnecessary content. Every section had long drawn out babble before getting to the interesting point I was waiting for.

For example, mild neurocognitive disorder (MND). Instead of immediately describing reasons for it being an unnecessary diagnosis and the harm that can come from it, he describes himself and his wife. How they're getting old, forgetting stuff. But it's normal! Not a disorder! This almost full page intro into discussing MND is pointless.

I am interested in reading evidence, hearing about studies, and learning more. Countless, repetitiveness made this book a disappointment. Might as well Google “dsm 5 critiques” and read a few articles that get the same point across.

December 10, 2015Report this review