2019 • 284 pages


Average rating5


I've read everything Fiona Cole has written and can honestly say her writing just keeps getting better and better. Fiona is a queen of writing books that draw the reader in and make them love the characters and the world she has created. This book is already on my best of 2019 list and in my top three books by Fiona. He's an A-HOLE with a heart. She's a sassy heroine that won't take his crap lying down. Together they're perfection.
Savior is one of those books that just consumed me. I couldn't put it down. In fact, I've read it three times and I'm itching to read it again. It's such a strange (In a good way) book to categorise because it has a little of everything. It's sexy and sweet and suspenseful. The three S's. It's original and beautiful. Some people will tell you that Erik Brandt is an A-hole. Me? I just call him #MyCaveman I loved him so much. He does a-hole things but his reasons are what make him so lovable. Seeing him fighting his attraction- in some of the worse ways (I wanted to throat punch him at times) but once he gave in fully, he was ALL IN and that just made me love him all the more. I think if we didn't have his POV that my opinion might be slightly different, but knowing his thought processes really made him a BBFF for me. Alexandra is awesome. I adored her. I'd totally be her friend. There were times when I was shouting at her to just stop and not do some things, but I also understood. Her sass and fiery nature hid her vulnerability and it was really endearing.
Erik and Alexandra both have a resilience that is commendable. They fight for what they believe and for each other. It's a partnership. And it was beautiful. Their relationship was beautiful - the push and pull. The age difference all blended so well. I loved the suspense element to this book it really had me on the edge of my seat at times and cursing and hoping. There are characters to love and characters to hate - I'm not saying I had my fingers crossed for a painful end for some people...but I'm not denying it either.
I loved the little nods to other books by Fiona. Although it took me a hot minute to connect one of them...I shall hide my face in shame.
If you thought Voyeur and Lovers were fantastic, you ain't seen nothing yet. Fiona Cole has set the bar with this one! You NEED this book in your life. Do yourself a favour and add this book to the top of your TBR.

March 17, 2019Report this review