Say You'll Remember Me

Say You'll Remember Me

2018 • 452 pages


Average rating4


Books, Coffee & Passion
Say You'll Remember Me is one of the most intense YA books I've read. And I've read plenty, including some of Katie McGarry's books (if you haven't read her Pushing the Limits series, you're definitely missing out) but Drix's story is absolutely amazing.
Drix has a second chance but he knows he needs to change his life, actually he's realizing that maybe that's not that hard because he knows he's already different. During the year he lost, away from everyone he loves, he has changed. A lot. Still, he's terrified of falling through the rabbit hole again, so he's taking things slow.
Elle has an easy life. At least that's what everyone thinks when they look at her social media and perfect pictures dressed in fancy dresses, smiling with her family and joining her father's events while raising money to his campaign. But the truth is she's not happy, no one really knows her or cares about what she thinks or feels except her cousin, and she's struggling with her parents pressure and expectations.
Elle and Drix have an amazing connection and an insane chemistry. Even though they're very much attracted to each other, Drix knows they can't get involved: they're too different, from two very different worlds, Elle is out of his league and she's the governor's daughter. But even though they have a mile long list of cons they seem to be inevitably thrown together all the time...
I loved Drix and Elle's journey, there's family drama, angst, self discovery, healing, second chances and twists that I didn't see coming! It was so beautifully written, so emotional with such character growth that I couldn't put my Kindle down (and I ugly cried at some moments), I really loved how their friendship started to grow and how they slowly fell in love not only with each other but also with the person they had the potential to become. They definitely brought the best in each other and that just made their story so much more. I'm also in love with Drix's family, their moments together are not always perfect, but their loyalty and love for each other definitely shine through. Katie McGarry is my favorite YA author, she always tugs at my heartstrings and I love every second of it! Overall, an emotional story about self discovery, second chances, loyalty, love and family that will keep you captivated until the very last second and then you'll be wishing there was more. Highly recommended and a must read! I won't be missing Katie's next book.

January 17, 2018Report this review