Scarlet Mark

Lexi C. Foss is a new “to me” author. If I am correct, she normally writes paranormal romance, and this was her first foray into the romantic suspense genre. Well, let me just say that this reader hopes she has plans to write many more romantic suspense books because this one was PERFECTION! There was legit not one thing I didn't like about it.

If you follow my reviews you know that I can be a picky bitch, and there is usually always something I wish were different. Even in most of my 5 Star reads. But from start to finish this was an enjoyable and amazing read.

So on to the deets...the writing was OUTSTANDING in this book. It was well paced. I loved that it was on the longer side and the plot and characters felt fully developed. The plot itself was engaging and full of twists and turns. It was dark(ish) SIZZLING. There was no OW drama or OM drama. I loved seeing Niko from Cora Kenborn's DARKEST DEEDS. Amara was one of the best heroine's I have ever read. Homegirl was STRONG and FEISTY. Her past will break your heart, but it didn't break her. Killian was equally awesome. I loved that he wasn't a manwhore (yay). He was sexy and domineering. But he was also sweet, and his love for Amara made my heart melt. Last, it was all wrapped in a super excellent ending. 

And as I said in my review for Darkest Deeds...I loved it. I recommend it. I also want to thank Miz Foss for gifting me a copy of this book after a rather unpleasant run-in saw me being banned from the reviewer list for this series. She is a class act and a total sweetheart. 


May 18, 2019Report this review