Scattered Minds

Scattered Minds

2019 • 368 pages


Average rating4.1


I'm familiar Maté's more recent work on addiction and the myth of normality, but was so happy to realize this older but still so useful book existed. Attachment and its related interpersonal sequelae are my main ways of viewing/conceptualizing the clinical work I do, so his attachment/attunement-based perspective on ADHD was just a breath of fresh air. It's maddening, however, to realize how non-mainstream his perspective still is. Anyway, this is a great book for clinicians, people with ADHD, and people who love people with ADHD (I fit in both the first and third categories). Maté is wise, COMPASSIONATE, and always aware of how the way we view “problems” can also circumscribe our solutions. Will definitely read more of his book-length work based on this one.

January 28, 2023Report this review