Scott Pilgrim Vol. 4: Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together


Average rating4.3


The pacing of these past two volumes are a bit slower than the first two, and that may make them feel “boring-er” to some readers, but this is where the themes of the book start showing through.

It's very interesting revisiting these comics after such a long hiatus. The new Netflix series has reignited The Discourse around this series, and it's always interesting/enlightening/baffling to see what everyone gets from Scott Pilgrim. It's impossible for me to accurately review something so influential to my own tastes, and maybe all of the the hijinks and wackiness obfuscates any deeper reading into the story, but Scott Pilgrim always seemed more than just nerdy references. This entire series is ostensibly about coming to terms with that fact that all relationships come with pre-existing baggage. Scott & Ramona come to realize they hurt others in the same way they've been hurt, and they only grow as characters once they attempt to atone for their sins.

I know media literacy is dead, but a story about a protagonist who must, “conquer someone else's evil exes before being allowed to date them” seems pretty blunt as far as metaphors go.