Cover 4

Scripted To Slay

2021 • 212 pages


Average rating5


Wow! I knew this book would be good, but I had no clue it would be so helpful for my life. At their best books can help us empathize with other people. They can teach us how to be better humans and see other people as humans. This book had that in spades! I feel like I have learned so much about how to help people dealing with grief and how to be of help to differently abled people. There are real strategies that I can use in my life to help those around me. That's not the kind of thing I expect to get from cozies, but it feels so natural in this book.
This is a series that I keep meaning to get around to and then find some other book that distracts my attention. I am so glad I did not let anything else take my attention! This book has a great mystery and is full of people that feel real. They make mistakes and aren't always nice, but they are trying. There is romance, but it is romance that feels real and is not intrusive to the story. I am impressed with the way Harvey finds out information without going out of her way to grill a suspect. The list of recommended books in the back is wonderful as well. I have a few more things to add to my TBR list.
I received a copy of this book from the author.

January 12, 2021Report this review