Sea-Kings of Mars

Sea-Kings of Mars

1949 • 194 pages


Average rating3


Executive Summary: I don't really like much classic sci-fi, and unfortunately this was no different.

Full Review
This book wasn't on my radar. I only read it because it was May pick for Sword & Laser. I wish I had been able to get it from library, but at least there was a cheap ebook available.

This felt more like a pirate fantasy book than sci-fi. There are a few sci-fi elements, such as a laser gun and time travel, but the setting of Mars may as well be Middle Earth or Narnia.

The characters were thin, the sexism is thick, and the plot is light. There were a few times I thought I was getting into the book, but it just never really clicked for me.

I can't say I'm really surprised. I know these sort of stories aren't in my wheelhouse, but that doesn't mean you won't enjoy it if you like classic SFF.