Average rating4.1
I read the first book in the series when I was in 3rd grade [b:Dealing with Dragons 1060958 Dealing with Dragons (Enchanted Forest Chronicles, #1) Patricia C. Wrede https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1456639732s/1060958.jpg 1178402], and that is the book that started my love of reading.This was well before the days of Amazon and my library didn't have any of the other books in the series, so I was an adult before I was able to get my hand on them. I wish I could have read this as a little girl, but even as an adult I still enjoy this book. It has all the adventure and silliness that a 9/10 year old would love. As an adult, I probably wouldn't give it 5 stars, but a 35 year old woman is not the target audience. You have to read it with your child glasses on. Little Sarah would have adored this book and given it 5 stars. I enjoyed the adventure to rescue the King of Dragons, the new characters that are introduced, and the relationship between Cimorene the King of the Enchanted Forest. We all know that a prince would be much to boring for the heroine.