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Season Pass

Season Pass


Average rating2


Quick. Fun. Smut-filled. OOC. Would re-read just for the good times. 

I'm drawn to Dramione usually because Draco can match her intellectually compared to Ron. While I'm drawn to Romione because Ron is an uncomplicated himbo that can help her mellow out. However, in this fic Draco is playing that role. It's cute for a switch up in this case but honestly Draco loses his Draco-ness and could have been subbed in with any character from the HP universe and the story would have been the exact same. 

Unnecessary epilogues are my pet peeve and this one has one. Usually epilogues show the result of growth, or give closure. In this epilogue Hermione continues to be petty and resentful and Draco continues to be a himbo.

July 20, 2023Report this review