Average rating4
"Taylor Edwards' family might not be the closest-knit--everyone is a little too busy and overscheduled--but for the most part, they get along just fine. Then Taylor's dad gets devastating news, and her parents decide that the family will spend one last summer all together at their old lake house in the Pocono Mountains. Crammed into a place much smaller and more rustic than they are used to, they begin to get to know each other again. And Taylor discovers that the people she thought she had left behind haven't actually gone anywhere. Her former best friend is still around, as is her first boyfriend...and he's much cuter at seventeen than he was at twelve. As the summer progresses and the Edwards become more of a family, they're more aware than ever that they're battling a ticking clock. Sometimes, though, there is just enough time to get a second chance--with family, with friends, and with love"--
Reviews with the most likes.
Got this in my recommendations. After flying through the reviews, I saw that I must be the only male ever considering reading that book. I did it anyway and wasn't disappointed. Only a few things damped it:
-A few scenes I just could't relate to as a male. (Like reading for the 3rd time how cute Henry is looking and so on)
-I thought the thing Taylor did those 5 summers ago was something so horrible, but wasn't really that much of a big deal in the end. (I mean the amount it gets hinted at, I even thought of bloody murder)
If you look past these minor things and considering that it must be pretty accurate for a female main protagonist, you get a powerful story about family and friends and what matters most in life.
All the characters were full of personality and charm, and I must admit that I maybe got some wet eyes at the end.
3 Stars are “liked it”. So yeah, even that I guess that I wasn't the main target audience...I liked it!
4/5 stars
It's late, I'm tired, and my phone is about to die, so my review is going to be short.
As the title suggests, Second Chance Summer is about second chances, and told the heartbreaking story of a family coming together for one last second chance. This story broke my heart, as all the Morgan Matson books I've read have, and also made me wish to be young (wait a second, I am young...) and in love.
El Extraño Gato del Cuento
Con solo dos libros publicados, Morgan se ha vuelto una de mis escritoras favoritas. Y al parecer va a ser del tipo malvado en cuanto a tiempo de publicación. Uno al año es muy poco, pero por lo bueno se debe esperar.
Second Chance Summer está narrado en lo que mi escaso, prácticamente nulo, conocimiento literario clasifico como poético. Solo sé que cada uno de sus párrafos me tuvo inmersa y saboreando cada una de sus palabras. Por lo general tomo notas mientras leo, pero me fue imposible detenerme a hacerlo, y fue uno de esos libro que me llevó a desafiar las horas de la mañana, básicamente no dormí por perderme en sus palabras.
Como lectora, se me hizo sumamente fácil conectar con Taylor, tenemos la personalidad bastante parecida: no le gustan las confrontaciones y una de sus más grandes soluciones es huir. Desde el primer capítulo tenemos su personalidad bastante clara, siendo la primera escena una huida bastante accidentada, mostrando rápidamente la relación familiar. Acostumbrados a estar solos en sus asuntos, les cuesta bastante adecuarse a estar todos juntos por demasiado tiempo. Con un final de capítulo Padre-Hija, donde nos muestra la unión entre ellos y nos augura un lloroso final.
Con Morgan Matson tienes una gran fuente de matices de personajes, todos muy diferentes, llenos de un humor sutil, que demuestra la gran calidad de la historia.
¿Qué más decir sobre libro más allá que es una joya? Al terminar el libro, estuve en silencio por un par de minutos y le di gracias a un Dios el cuál no creo, por tener a mi familia sana. Así de bueno es éste libro.
Reseña Completa: El Extraño Gato del Cuento
4.5 Stars
“I'm too sad to write a review. I'm heartbroken and don't know what to say.”
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