Average rating3.9
Very mixed on how I feel about this one. It was a good thriller; I think the author did well with the pacing and keeping it suspenseful throughout. I was also intrigued by the point of view and it definitely was an awesome and unique way to tell the story. I was totally surprised the when I realized partway into the novel that this was actually being told in the first person because then I had to wonder who the heck the narrator was. It ended up tying up nicely in the end and made sense. The ending too was really cool. I liked how this whole book ended up being a stream of consciousness and having it end with his death so abruptly was really cool.
I did have a problem with the characters and the plot, though. The story takes place over just one day, which was cool, but I don't think that really excused how pretty much every character was totally flat and throw-away. Even the main characters were just ehh because their backstories were just thrown in somewhat haphazardly and didn't do much to make them stand out at all. The minor characters were just completely useless. The author spent such little time developing them that I was left not even caring when they were killed. She just kind of mentions them and says stuff like “Jules was on antidepressants and wouldn't tell her husband” and then not long after, she's getting murdered and I just couldn't care less. Also, it felt like a lot of the book was about people wondering who the killers were and we were never even told who was behind it! The narrator and the main characters seem to be constantly referencing or thinking about who might be behind this whole thing and yet when the book ends, we just have no idea. So... what?? Why? What was the whole point?! I felt kind of cheated in the end because I was set up to expect closure and explanation and it just kind of ended. But somehow, I didn't hate this book. It was suspenseful and unique and intriguing and I was always motivated to keep reading. So it was decent, but it just could have been better, I think.