Seducing the Defendant
2017 • 320 pages


Average rating3


I enjoyed this one. It was one of those easy-peasy low angst types of reads. I thought the court case mystery would feature throughout the book, but it gets wrapped up in the first 30% and then we just get a lot of sex. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it also doesn't make for the most exciting of reads. That ending though, way to rip a girls heart out Miz Fernando. I think you may be on my sh!t list right now. ;D

Aside from that this one was a pleasant read. Well written and well paced. The plot although not the most exciting held my interest nonetheless. Like I said there is zero angst. There is a smidge of OW drama that quite frankly was pointless and could have been left out without changing the story in the least (SOOOO tired of this type of thing in romances lately). There was no OM drama. The sex scenes were hot and plentiful. The secondary characters were interesting and consisted mostly of other lawyers Jaxon worked with and Wind Dragons MC members.

Both main characters were extremely likable. Scarlett came off a bit weirdly at the beginning of this one. Very standoffish but then she morphed into this insecure introvert that slowly comes out of her shell with Jaxon. As I said, it was a bit odd. But I did end up liking her as a heroine. Jaxon was a great hero. Sweet. Sexy. Pretty much all in right from the start. Just a good solid hero. Lastly, it was all wrapped up in a bit of a bittersweet ending that this reader is going to pretend never happened...yup...that is what I am going to do...pretend...lalalalala.

November 9, 2017Report this review